Mashable’s Weekly Top YouTube Vids: Dog Vs. iPad

So Mashable recently started doing a weekly compilation of their top YouTube videos. This is a much cooler and non-corporate-y list than what Goviral puts together each month. It’s also highly subjective, which makes it even better.

One of the week’s top videos, according to Mashable, is interesting because it’s actually a music video for an Israeli pop duo that doubles as an ad for Chatroulette (in true viral video way). And one wonders if Chatroulette had any input. I doubt they did, but it just goes to show that in some cases the marketing takes care of itself. This lesson applies to the iPad too. Apple doesn’t need to spend a dime promoting it do they? They should at least send Chloe (the star of “A Dog Tests the iPad”) some dried pigs ears to thank her for her marketing efforts.

Here’s the list:

How Threadless Does Email Marketing Right: Reason #7,498 Why You Should Do Email Marketing

Many small businesses that have s may even be savvy enough to have an email newsletter, but how many retail businesses take advantage of it? Here’s an idea, subscribe to an email newsletter from a retail company that does it perfectly, and learn.

Just repeat after me: I will go the T-shirt company Threadless and subscribe to their email newsletter to see how retail email marketing is done. You’ll find the subscribe bar about halfway down the right side of the home page. All you have to do is input your email.

What you will get is an email from Threadless every few days that’s as simple as it gets – pictures of their new T-shirt designs, a few links at the top (“Guys”, “Girly”, “Participate”, and “Info”). The pictures link back to their catalogue for that shirt.

I love their shirts, and after a purchase, expect a gift certificate for a not-inconsiderable $5 off (when most of their shirts cost $18).

So you’re saying, but my small biz doesn’t have a catalogue-rich ! Doesn’t matter. Look at the simplicity of what Threadless does: A few pictures of what’s new that week and link back to their site. Do that for your retail store, and do it consistently, and watch your email list grow.