LinkedIn to get more Facebook-y

As reported by Mashable, LinkedIn will be rolling out new features that enhance the discussion and interaction part of LinkedIn.

Apparently it needs improvement. A new “publish” box will be included (kind of like Facebook’s top-of-page “What’s on your mind” box) and there will be “Likes” “Pass” and “Comment” features. You can also “follow” conversations and people you’re not linked to via connections too.

So you can probably see where this is going: A dash of Facebook, a dash of Twitter. The vid explains some of the new features.

Twelve great social media tutorials on YouTube

Do you read HubSpot’s Inbound Internet Marketing Blog? If you want to get into web marketing and social media, this is where you’ll find tons of meaty stuff. Not all of it is for beginners, frankly, but there’s plenty of info here for all levels of marketers.

Exhibit A of “useful stuff” is this post: Must Watch: 12 Awesome Social Media Tutorials

These are all pretty good. Here’s a sample of just two of these.